Monday 26 March 2012

Knightside Story Overview Draft 2

 The Knightside Chronicles: Caruso’s Journey is set on a Galactic 
stage in a far flung future where space travel has become as trivial as air 
travel is today. Humanity has expanded into the far reaches of the Galaxy 
with colonies ranging from prosperous resort worlds where the most 
wealthy spend fortunes in exquisite decadence to back water mining 
colonies where major corporations employ the most destitute and 
desperate individuals to exploit their hard work for pitiful pay and a 
meager existence. 

Caruso Mendes is an odd job gun for hire with aspirations of once again 
attaining the glory days of his late teens where he basked in the life of a 
music superstar. Having split from his former band due to creative 
differences. Caruso subsequently blew through his newly attained wealth 
almost as quickly as he acquired it in a wholly typical affair of 
unrestrained extreme decadence, further added to by his wallowing in self 
sorrow due to a failed solo album which resulted in the studio on which he 
had signed dropping him due to substantial losses. 

Once Heralded as a legend in the making. Caruso now largely forgotten, 
tours the fringes of the Galaxy playing any gig he can get as well as 
taking odd gun for hire jobs just to make ends meat. Unable to reclaim 
his former spark and flair, he gradually begins to accept his decline into 
obscurity until he is sent a personal vid message that turns out to be an 
advert. The video presented by an eccentric looking scientist of some sort 
and his robot assistant claims to have invented a new virtual world 
simulator and is looking for physically capable musically talented 
individuals to immediately begin testing the virtual world program that 
could potentially help one find their true musical potential. Considering 
that it could be a scam or trap of some sort for a moment, Caruso decides 
out of blind curiosity and a lack of anything much to lose to head to the 
coordinates given in the vid message. 

After some initial hesitancy, Caruso Decides to follow the adverts explicit 
warnings to jump directly to the coordinates given rather than risk 
navigating the anomaly heavy stretch of space where the facility is 
supposedly situated. 
On Arriving to the coordinates given Caruso is met by a very Large space 
station, and on docking is greeted by the very scientist and robot 
assistant from the video message. The scientist: Maximilian von Lugner 
introduces himself and his robotic assistant Tamil

Max as eccentric as Caruso expected, is more than a little vague and 
indecipherable when asked how his experimental virtual world simulator 
works or more importantly how it will allow him to find his true musical 
potential. Rather than merely explain how it works, Max convinces Caruso 
to give the Machine a go. 
Donning special mask, gloves and keytar provided by Max. Caruso is 
instructed to enter the strange spherical device and stand in the middle of 
On activation of the machine Caruso closes his eyes in anticipation for the 
worst and after an intense moment of very loud whirring and a sudden 
burst of heat, all is silent.  
Caruso opens his eyes to a strange desolate land populated by Glowing 
crystals protruding from the ground around which hints of greenery have 
begun to grow. Similar crystals jut out of floating islands of various sizes 
that circulate around a giant crystalline structure upon which there seem 
to be the remnants of some sort of buildings. 
Hearing Max murmur in his ear about heart rate readings being good 
among other scientific calculations via the communicator in his helmet. 
The first words out of Caruso’s mouth after standing for a moment in 
awestruck silence are “This is real! isn't it?”! 
Max ‘about to begin asking him how he is feeling’ responds: Um… what? 
How did you?…. Yes… remarkable… yes Well done mister Mendes you 
have figured it out much faster than the others did…. I’m afraid I haven’t 
been quite honest with you about where it is you really are! 

Caruso insists Max tell him what is really going on but barely gets the 
barest of details out of Max who assures Caruso that things will be best 
answered as Caruso experiences them first hand, but that basically Max 
has managed to create a gateway to a planet in another dimension. The 
planet has been overrun by a race of machine like spirits that invaded the 
planet and wiped out the indigenous people by draining all their life giving 
crystals of their energy. 
Later Max informs Caruso that he is not the first of his “subjects” to have 
been successfully transported to the planet, but all the others perished 
except for his last recruit who initially thought dead has recently been 
showing intermittent signs of life. 
Caruso must locate the signal of Maxes last inductee Liorna Samuelson 
(Li) and figure out what really happened to her.  

The crystals on the planet can physically manifest the music Caruso 
plays on his Sword Keytar into a powerful energy capable of destroying 
the machine wraiths. The special mask, gloves, and gun provided by 
Max can also utilize the power of the crystals in various ways; thus giving 
him the power to destroy the machine wraiths and release the life energy 
they have absorbed. Releasing the life energy by destroying the machine 
wraiths will allow the crystals to fully re-energize and eventually bring life 
back to the planet. 
When a large crystalline structure has been fully charged Caruso will 
be able to use it to view the memories of the extinct indigenous race and 
piece by piece discover more about how they came to meet their fate and 
the connection the information gathered on their demise has for the fate 
of Caruso’s dimension. 

Rift Gates Allow Caruso to travel back and forth from his dimension to 
the crystal planet. Rift Gates are only located at specific points on the 
planet where a Rift anomalies are found.  

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