Sunday 8 April 2012

The Knightside Chronicles Introduction Draft 3.2.1

The Knightside Chronicles: Caruso’s Journey is set on a Galactic  
stage in a far flung future where space travel has become as trivial as air  
travel is today. Humanity has expanded into the far reaches of the Galaxy  
with colonies ranging from prosperous resort worlds where the most  
wealthy spend fortunes in exquisite decadence to back water mining  
colonies where major corporations employ the most destitute and  
desperate individuals to exploit their hard work for pitiful pay and a  
meager existence.  

Caruso Mendes is an odd job gun for hire with aspirations of once again  
attaining the glory days of his late teens where he basked in the life of a  
music superstar. Having split from his former band due to creative  
differences. Caruso subsequently blew through his newly attained wealth  
almost as quickly as he acquired it in a wholly typical affair of  
unrestrained extreme decadence, further added to by his wallowing in self  
sorrow due to two short lived marriages in his early twenties ruined by his 
self destructive behavior and a failed solo album which resulted in the 
studio on which he had signed dropping him due to substantial losses.  
Once Heralded as a legend in the making. Caruso now largely forgotten,  
tours the fringes of the Galaxy playing any gig he can get as well as  
taking odd gun for hire jobs just to make ends meat. 

After being arrested for taking part in a botched raid on a supply 
shipment en-route to one of the newly colonized resort worlds in the far 
reaches of the Galaxy, Caruso is woken by the sound of 2 voices. Barely 
able to hear the two voices through his cells thick walls and protective 
shield glass he can faintly hear two men discussing what seem to be 
terms of a release. With no friends willing to bail him out again or 
anybody willing to lend him any money for anything anymore he figures 
that he is well and truly done for this time.  
Caruso had pinned everything on this last Job in the hopes of launching 
himself out of the depths of debt and despair he found himself sinking 
further and further into, and this Job like everything else in his life (of 
what he can now remember) seemed to end in tragic failure. To top it off 
he couldn’t see himself charming or improvising his way out of this 
situation… not with this lot. If found guilty of raiding a resort-world 
shipment; the punishment would be severe. If not death then one could 
find themselves on one of the many mining planets that scattered the 
galaxy. Suffering a miserable life of squalid conditions and hard labour 
until finally released only by the grim hand of death.  
Being caught red handed didn’t help his case much. Undoubtedly 
betrayed by one of his fellow mercenary “brothers” Caruso curses his lack 
of an opportunity having presented itself for him to do the same. Turning 
towards the wall that the bed on which he lays is fasted to; Caruso lets 
out an anxious sigh in anticipation of what the universe may have in store 
for him next…  

Just as He shuts his eyes to try and block out the sensation of nausea 
induced by withdrawal from any of the multitude of substances he had 
been taking before his arrest. The door to his cell slides open with an all 
too familiar swoosh and by the time he has turned and opened his eyes 
mumbling profanities in anticipation of it being one of the guards come to 
drag him to a quick trial, or just beat him for the hell of it. He Instead  
is not only presented with a guard, but a relatively older looking smartly 
dressed man with quite dark skin and greying tightly curled hair, probably 
of African descent. Though from what Caruso can make out through the 
sudden glare of bright lights is that there seem to be hints of other races 
in his facial structure too. The man smelling of expensive Cologne unlike 
Caruso who at this point stinks mostly of Body odour looks down for a 
moment at Caruso, who squints up at him still trying to adjust to the 
sudden illumination of the room. 
 Turning to the Guard the man exclaims in a sophisticated British Accent “ 
Aha!... Yes this is the one I was looking for.” 
“Looks like you’ve hit rock bottom Mr Mendes… if I may be so rude to say 
“Kick me while I’m down why don’t you” Caruso thinks to himself bitterly while struggling to keep his eyes in focus against the spinning room. 
 Well lets see if we can get you back on your feet, shall we?...” Continues 
the strange man 
His mouth parched and his tongue feeling like cotton wool Caruso 
responds in a low crackled whisper: “who’re you?”  
“Me?... answers the strange man; I’m your Salvation Mr Mendes… or 
Sponsor could be another way of putting it.”  
“Rehab!?” Caruso retorts followed by a fit coughs; 
“Sure I guess you could call it that.” 
“Yeah I don’t think so… Mr?” Caruso dismissively replies. 
“Would you rather take your chances in the courts?” Rhetorically states 
the man. “I’m not sure that I would recommend such a decision given the 
charges held against you.” 
Clearly Frustrated with Caruso’s manner the guard angrily slams a release 
form on Caruso chest and bluntly states: “Look Scum you either sign this 
form and go with this Gentleman or its to the mines with you!” 
Calmly The mysterious man asks Caruso “So what will it be Mr Mendes?” 
Caruso not having much of an option silently signs the form and hands it 
back to the Guard. 
The Mysterious man lets out a sympathetic smile and formally introduces himself. 
“I remember when you were greatly admired by many for your remarkable musical talents Mr Mendes. It seems that you yourself somewhere along the way lost or forgot what it was that gave you that special spark. I think I may be able to help you in that regard.”
“My name Mr Mendes is Dr Syndau… Maximilian von Syndau to be 
precise, but you can just call me Max.” 

Chapter 1 

A Few Days Later 
- Uncharted Galactic Fringe Sector- Subject 0 –Mendes; Caruso.  

Caruso opens his eyes Having shut them in anticipation of the worst. Mere 
Moments before now he had been subjected to intensely bright lights and 
a flash of stifling heat when sitting inside a strange spherical machine.  
Suddenly He finds himself sitting atop a cliff top in a meadow looking out 
on a tranquil scene of a beautiful sunset on a strange looking world 
covered with giant crystals surrounded by large sky blue lakes. Floating 
islands that have smaller crystals of equal beauty protruding from them 
float in a circular formation around the giant central crystal structures 
while small crystal lined creatures frolic all around him. Only seconds into 
witnessing the tranquil scene that suddenly appeared before him there is 
another flash and Caruso is left sitting in a dead wasteland where the 
crystal structures no longer radiate bright awe inspiring illuminating 
colours, but contain dark looking hues that seems to match the overall 
sense of hopelessness and despair now seeping into the core of 
everything on this once momentarily beautiful strange world. The skyline 
now replaced with a menacing swirl of clouds and thunderstorms in the 
distance echoes a sombre tone across the ravaged landscape. The small 
frolicking creatures are no longer small, but have transformed into large 
lurking phantom like crystalline beasts with menacing glares that seem to 
be protecting the dark coloured crystals that they’re crudely armoured 
bodies seem to reflect.  

A small spherical floating robotic drone bobs gently on it’s thrusters from 
just out if Caruso’s view and from it he can hear max’s voice. 
 “and Prepare for a full diagnostics che… ah Good Mr Mendes! Apologies 
for the slight delay in the world updating to your subconscious. It must be 
a bit jarring to go from one extreme to the other like that; but I guess it’s 
good you got an opportunity to compare the two states… if only briefly.” 
“The first scene you witnessed was what the physical manifestation of your 
subconscious should look like, and the second unfortunately is what your 
subconscious physically manifested currently looks like… not pretty is it?” 
How do you feel…physically I mean? 
“I’m fine…” Caruso answers flatly; 
 “So how do I get it back to the lakes and the sunset and… ynkow, all the 
nice stuff?”  
That’s the spirit Mr Mendes! Yes well first things first you will need to get 
up on your feet so we can run some diagnostics before we can set you on 
your merry way…  

To be continued… 

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