Thursday 12 July 2012

New Test build update available

After some tweaking following feedback from the previous build, I've created a new build of the test environment for the game.

This new test build has a temporary fix for a problem in the previous builds where the jump animations of the placeholder character wouldn't play if the player character is jumping immediately after landing from a previous jump. As mentioned, this fix is temporary for this build while I investigate a permanent solution.

I've also added several instances of the models created for the enemy characters (30 x mini tumblers, 1 x sentry, 1 x giant tumbler) to see how the game and engine will handle multiple character models in the game at once and if any problems may arise from having too many enemies on screen.

The AI scripting for the mini tumbler has also begun, with a basic version of the enemy AI applied to the mini tumbler objects in the test environment. The current AI script will cause the mini tumblers to start in an "idle" state and then, when the player is within a radius of 10 units from the tumbler, it will enter a "chase" state and chase the player character. If the player character gets far enough away from the tumbler, it will revert back to its "idle state.
In order to indicate when the tumblers are in their idle state, a temporary particle animation has been added to the mini tumblers which will only play while they are idle. This will later be unnecessary once the idle animation and other animation sequences for the enemies has been applied.

The new test environment build is available on the team dropbox as always!

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