Sunday 1 July 2012

Gameplay Mechanics

Gameplay Mechanics 27/06/2012 00:36 

NOTE!! All titles  contained within double inverted commas “ “ are 
working titles that are subject to change.  
All titles  contained within single inverted ‘  ’ commas refer the to 
the buttons found on an Xbox 360 controller. 

NOTE!! (“Rift Mode” is initiated by holding down the RT button 
which when held down allows the player to perform enhanced 
attacks and special maneuvers when they press the right buttons 
or sequence of buttons in rhythm with the beat of the music.  

Initiating “Rift Mode” is essential to performing enhanced attacks 
and maneuvers that can not be performed if the player presses 
the right buttons in rhythm while not in “Rift Mode”-(Holding the 
‘RT’ button

“Rift Energy Meter” (Fix for potential game breaking use of “Rift 
Attacks”, “Rift Blocks” “Boost Jumps”, and “Boost Dashes”) To be 
applied to gameplay to restrict use of said abilities. 
The “Rift Energy Meter” is a meter split into four segments of which 
each segment allows Caruso to perform 1 “Rift Attack” or “Rift 
Block” or 1 “Boost Jump” or “Boost Dash”. For example when all 
four segments of the “Rift Meter” are full Caruso can perform up to
“Boost Jumps” or “Boost Dashes” or up to 4 “Rift Attacks” or 
“Rift Blocks” or any number of “Rift Attacks” “Rift Blocks”, 
“Boost Jumps” and “ Boost Dashes” adding up to 4 in total.  
(for Example) 1 “Rift Energy Meter” segment = One “Boost 
Jump” or “Boost Dash” or “Rift Attack” or “Rift Block”. 
When each segment of the “Rift Energy Meter” is used it will 
gradually refill at a rate of 1/16th of a segment per beat of the music. 
(subject to testing) 
“Rift Attacks” “Boost Jumps” and “Boost Dashes” cannot be 
performed if none of the four segments on the “Rift Energy Meter” 
are full
Each full segment of the “Rift Energy Meter” that is active for use 
will flash or shimmer in time with the beat of the music.  
The “Rift Energy Meter” will Fill only one empty segment at a 
time. For example, if the “Rift Energy Meter” is empty it will start to 
fill the first segment until it has been filled before filling up the second 
segment, and will only begin to fill the third segment when the second 
segment is full and so on. 
The “Rift Energy Meter” will have a translucent meter that will fill 
from the very left (beginning) of each empty segment that is in the 
process being filled to the very right (end). This happens in the space 
of 1 beat of the music’s BPM. Each time the translucent meter 
reaches the (end) of the segment that is being filled. 1/16th of the 
meter will fill with a coloured opaque bar until the segment is full
(1/6th is an estimate subject to testing and possible change). 

Running, Jumping, “Boost Jumping” and “ Boost Dashing”  

Pushing the ‘left stick’ slightly in any direction will make Caruso 
walk in that direction. 

Pushing the ‘left stick’ fully in any direction will make Caruso run in 
that direction. 

Running or walking off a ledge without holding down ‘RT’ will make 
Caruso drop and hang off the ledge of a platform. 
While running towards the edge off a ledge, holding the ‘RT’ button 
will initiate “Rift Mode”. While running forward with “Rift Mode” 
enabled tapping the ‘LB’ button on a beat will initiate a “Dash” that 
will make Caruso Jump forward automatically when he reaches the 
edge of the of the ledge.  

Pressing ‘A’ while outside of “Rift Mode” (Not holding down ‘RT’) 
will make Caruso perform a “ Basic Jump”. 

Pressing the ‘A’ button on a beat while holding RT will initiate a 
Boost Jump” that will allow Caruso to jump further than when 
performing a “Basic Jump”.Boost Jumping” while in the middle of 
a jump will allow the player to increase the length that Caruso can 
Most Platforms in the game world are quite a distance from each other 
requiring the player to successfully use the (Boost Jump) mechanic to 
traverse the game world. 
To initiate a “Boost Jump” the player must either “Dash” of a 
platforms edge by tapping ‘LB’ (within a “Beat Window”) while 
holding down ‘RT’ making Caruso automatically jump of the platform, 
or manually jump by pressing the ‘A’ button in a “Beat Window” 
while in “Rift Mode” (enter “Rift Mode” by holding down the ‘RT’ 
button). While in the middle of the jump the player will need to press 
the ‘A’ button within a another (beat window) to initiate another 
“Boost Jump”, further increasing Caruso’s jump thus allowing him to 
jump further to cross large gaps. 

Beat Window- refers to the brief period of time the player has to 
initiate an action as a rhythmic beat plays in time with the tempo of 
the music for it to be recognized as in rhythm thus adding to the 
players rhythm combo meter. 

(Boost Jump) and (Boost Dashing) Combos  
Performing “Boost Jumps” is only possible when the player taps the 
‘A’ button on a beat while in “Rift Mode”. By Tapping the ‘A’ button 
on beat in the middle of a jump, the player can potentially string 
together an endless combo of boost jumps allowing Caruso to traverse 
huge expanses to reach otherwise impossible to reach areas.  

Tapping ‘LB’ while in the middle of a jump will have Caruso Perform a 
“Boost Dash” that will make him travel in a horizontal line through 
the air, allowing him to travel through various narrow gaps and various 
other Boost jump oriented puzzles as well perform air based evasive 

“Dashing” and “Boost Dashing” (Into Obstacles) 
Some environmental obstacles can be destroyed by “Dashing” and or 
“Boost Dashing” into them. 
“Dash” into specific environmental obstacles by running towards them 
and tap ‘LB’ in a beat window while holding down ‘RT’. This will allow 
Caruso to “Dash” through the through the obstacle. 
Have Caruso perform a “Boost Dash” into an obstacle by first 
performing a jump and then tap ‘LB’ in a “Beat Window” while 
holding down ‘RT’  and moving the left stick fully in the direction of the 
“Dashing” (Into an Enemy) 
It is possible to “Dash” into an enemy by running towards them and 
tapping ‘LB’ in a beat window while holding down ‘RT’. This will allow 
Caruso to “Dash” through the enemy, knocking them down and or 
stunning them in the process. (Note! Some enemies will be 
immune to being stunned and or knocked down by “Dashing” 
into them until certain conditions have been met).  

  Attacking and Defending 

(Basic Attacks) can be performed by tapping either the ‘X’ button ‘Y’ 
button or ‘B’ button. 
‘X’ button initiates a melee attack (Caruso’s sword keytar) 
‘Y’ button initiates a ranged projectile attack (Caruso’s Pistol) 
‘B’ button initiates a powerful special attack (Magical Attack)  
NOTE!!  ‘B’ button special attacks are only available to be 
performed when at least “Rift Combo Level 1” is active. 

All attacks both “Light” and “Charged” that are performed outside of 
Rift Mode” inflict a minimal amount of Damage and are therefore 
Classed as “Basic Attacks”. 

Attacking using the face buttons without holding down RT will have 
Caruso perform “Basic” attacks that inflict damage equal to the “Basic 
attack” stats of whatever “Rift Combo level” Caruso is currently on. 
(for example if Caruso is on Rift Combo Level 2 his “Basic attacks” 
will inflict damage on enemies equal to his “Rift Combo Level 2” 
“Basic Attack” stats, and if on Rift Combo level 3 his “Basic 
Attacks” will be equal to his Rift Combo level 3 “basic attack” 
‘X’ button attacks are attacks performed with Caruso’s keytar. The X 
button can be tapped to perform (light) quick strikes or held down 
and released to perform (heavy) charged attacks. 
‘Y’ button attacks are attacks preformed with Caruso’s Pistol. The ‘Y’ 
button can be tapped to perform (light) quick projectile attacks or 
held down and released to perform (heavy) charged projectile 
‘B’ button performs a powerful “Special Attack” that only becomes 
active when at least Rift Combo Level 1 has been activated.  
When “Rift Combo Level 1” is active and the “Special Attack” 
Meter is filled past level 1, tapping the ‘B’ button will initiate a “level 1 
Special Attack”
(Attacking in “Rift Mode”) 
To enter “Rift Mode” hold the ‘RT’ button.  
Attacking within a “Beat Window” while in “Rift Mode” will initiate a 
“Rift Attack”. 
“Rift Attacks” increase the damage inflicted on enemies and increase 
the “Rift Meter” allowing the player gain “Rift Combo Levels” by 
chaining together “Rift Attacks”. 

While in “Rift Mode”, attacking in rhythm within a “Beat Window” 
to the beat of the music will fill up the “Rhythm Combo Meter” by a 
quarter of a “Rift Combo Level” for “Light Attacks” and by Half of 
a “Rift Combo Level” for heavy “Charged Attacks”. Each “Rift 
Combo Level” that is activated from one to five will incrementally 
increase the power of Caruso’s “Basic” and “Rift” attacks. “Rift 
Combo Level Zero” Limiting Caruso to inflict the lowest value of 
damage for both his “Basic” and “Rift” Attacks, and “Rift Combo 
Level Five” Allowing Caruso to inflict the maximum value of damage 
for both his “Basic” and “Rift” Attacks. 

Attacking outside of a “Beat Window” while in “Rift Mode” will 
initiate a “Basic Attack” that will decrease Caruso’s “Rift Combo 
Meter” by a Quarter of a “Rift Combo Level” for “Light Attacks” 
and by Half of a “Rift Combo Level” for heavy “Charged Attacks”. 
Attacking outside of a “Beat Window” while in “Rift Mode” will inflict 
the same damage on an enemy as attacking outside of “Rift Mode”
Therefore it is classed as a “Basic Attack”.  

(Locking Onto Enemies) 
NOTE!! (The “Reticule” is a crosshair like icon in the center of 
the screen that assists with aiming and allows the player to 
lock onto enemies when pointing it at them.) 
(With “Hard Lock” turned Off) The “Reticule” will “soft Lock” onto 
the enemy or targetable object it is pointed at, to assist the player in 
aiming and targeting. Use the ‘Right Stick’ to point the “Reticule” at 
another enemy to “Soft Lock” onto it. 
To manually “ Hard Lock” onto an enemy tap ‘RB’ when the 
“Reticule” is “Soft locked” onto them. 
Tap ‘RB’ again to turn the “ Hard Lock” Off. 
(When “Hard Lock” is turned On) Hold The ‘RB’ button and use the 
‘Right Stick’ to cycle the “Reticule” through any other enemies and 
targetable objects in range. Release ‘RB’ to “Hard Lock” onto them. 
(When “Hard Lock” is turned On) Flicking the ‘Left Stick’ forwards, 
backwards, left or right will make Caruso perform a “Strafe Jump” 
in that direction. 

Strafing (Strafe Jump and Strafe Boost) 
“Strafe Jump” 
A “strafe Jump” is a small evasive jump Caruso performs only 
when “Hard Locked” onto an enemy or targetable object. 
A “Strafe Jump” can also be used to quickly close the gap on an 
enemy as well as various other uses in combat. 

“Strafe Boost” 
When “Hard Locked” onto an enemy or targetable object and holding 
‘RT’, flicking the ‘left stick’ forwards, backwards, left or right 
within a “Beat Window” will initiate a “strafe Boost” Making Caruso 
perform an evasive move similar to a “Strafe Jump” that makes him 
invulnerable to damage for the duration of the “Strafe Boost”
“Strafe Boosting” will also raise the “Rift Combo Meter” by a 16th 
of a “Rift Combo level” for every successfully performed “Strafe 
Boost”. Flicking the ‘Left Stick’ while “Hard Locked” onto an enemy 
or targetable object outside a “Beat Window” while holding down the 
RT’ button, is classed as “Strafe Jumping”. “Strafe Jumping” 
while holding down the ‘RT’ button will decrease the “Rift Combo 
Meter” by an 8th of a “Rift Combo Level”. 

Special Attacks (Activation and Various Types)  
“Special Attacks” only become available to be performed once at 
least “Rift Combo Level 1” has been activated.  
To fill the “Rift Combo Meter”  and activate “Rift Combo levels 1- 
4”, the ‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘LB’ and ‘LT’ buttons must be pressed in rhythm with 
the music while ‘RT’ is being held down. The ‘Left Stick’ can also 
raise the “Rift Combo Meter” when flicked in any direction in a 
“Beat Window” to perform a “Strafe Boost” when “Hard locked” 
onto an enemy or targetable object while holding down ‘RT’.  

“Special Attacks” are performed by tapping or holding the ‘B’ 
The longer that the ‘B’ button is held down determines the higher the 
level of special attack that will be performed. 
For example, Tapping the ‘B’ button (Outside of “Rift Mode”) will 
make Caruso perform a “Level 1 Special Basic attack”. That will 
inflict damage equal to his “Rift Combo Level 1” “Special Basic 
Attack” statistics.  

(If “Rift Combo Level 2” is active) holding the ‘B’ button (Outside 
of “Rift Mode”) until the special meter activates a “Level 2 Special 
Attack”, will make Caruso perform a “Level 2 Special Basic Attack” 
that will inflict damage equal to his “Rift Combo Level 2” “Special 
Basic Attack Stats”. The longer the B button is pressed will 
determine the Higher the level of special attack that will be performed 
considering that relevant “Rift Combo Level” is active. 
NOTE!! (If only “Rift Combo Level 1” is Active Caruso will only 
be able to perform a “Level 1 Special Basic Attack” regardless 
of how long the ‘B’ Button is Held down. This is reflected all the 
way up to “Special Attack” level 4).  

Tapping the ‘B’ button in a “Beat Window” while holding down ‘RT’ 
(to activate “Rift Mode”) will make Caruso perform a “Level 1 
Special Rift Attack” that will inflict damage equal to his “Rift Combo 
Level 1” “Special Rift Attack” stats 
(While Holding down ‘RT’) Pressing and Holding the ‘B’ button in a 
“Beat Window” and releasing it in the next “Beat Window” (1 Bar) 
will make Caruso perform a “Level 2 Special Rift Attack” that will 
inflict damage equal to his “Rift Combo level 2” “Special Rift 
Attack Stats”. 

When Caruso is on “Rift Combo Level 1” the Level 1 segment on 
the “Special Meter” will become active, allowing Caruso to perform 
either one “Basic” or one “Rift” “Special Attack”. 
When Caruso is on “Rift Combo Level 2” both the Level 1 and 
Level 2 segments on the “Special Meter” will become active, 
allowing Caruso to perform two Level 1 “Basic” and “Rift” “Special 
Attacks”, or one Level 2 “Basic” or “Rift” “Special Attack”. 

The more “Special Meter” segments that are active, the more lower 
level “Special Attacks” Caruso will be able to perform. (For example) if 
Caruso is on “Rift Combo Level 4” he will be able to perform four 
Level 1 “Special Attacks” or one Level 2 “Special Attack” and two 
Level 1 “Special Attacks” or one Level 3 “Special Attack” and one 
Level 1 “Special Attack” 
When Caruso is on “Rift Combo Level 1” The “Special Attack 
Meter” fill up past Level 1 but only Level 1 on the “Special Attack 
Meter” will be active meaning that only a Level 1 “Special Attack” 
will be able to be performed even if the “Special Attack” Meter is 
Filled up to the top of Level 4. NOTE!! The inactive “Level 
Segments” of the “Special Attack” meter will appear 
translucent. Active Segments will appear Opaque. 

The “Special Attack Meter” will gradually fill up the more attacks 
and specific moves are performed. 
The special Meter will gradually drain from any inactive “Level 
segments” at a rate of an 8th of a “Level Segment” per beat. For 
example if the “Level 1 Segment” of the “Special Attack Meter” is 
active (because Caruso is on “Rift Combo Level 1”), but the 
“Special Attack Meter” has been filled to the middle of the “level 3 
Segment” the “Special Attack Meter” will drain until it reaches the 
top of the “Level 0 Segment”/bottom of the “Level 1 Segment”. 
If “Rift Combo Level 2” is activated before the “Special Attack 
Meter” reaches the bottom of the “Level 2 Segment”, whatever 
portion of the “Level 2 segment” will remain filled in until used
filled further or “Rift Combo Level 2” becomes inactive

If only the “Level 1 Segment” of the “Special Attack Meter” is 
active but the “Special attack Meter” is filled up to Level 3. When 
Caruso performs a “Level 1 Special Attack”, the remaining 
“Special Attack Meter” filled past the “Level 1 Segment” will 
replenish the “Level 1 Segment ” allowing Caruso to perform 
another “Level 1 Special Attack” (so long as the remaining meter 
replenishes the “Special Attack Meter” up to at least the 
beginning the “Level 1 Segment”). Any remaining “Special Attack 
Meter” past the “Level 1 Segment” will gradually drain until it 
reaches the bottom of the “Level 1 Segment”. 

(If no “Rift Combo Levels” are active.) The “Special Attack 
Meter” will gradually drain until it is empty

“Special Attacks” with different properties can be obtained 
throughout the course of the game and can be assigned to the 
‘Directional Pad’ for quick selection when in combat. 
Pressing the ‘Back’ button and selecting “Special Attacks” can also 
let the player select and organize the “Special Attacks” available 
for quick selection on the ‘Directional Pad’. 

Blocking (“Basic Block” and “Rift Block”) 
Holding down ‘LT’ will make Caruso perform a “Basic Block”, 
Blocking any in coming attacks. 
While holding down the ‘LT’ button; Caruso’s “Shield Meter” will 
drain, allowing Caruso to block in coming attacks until the “Shield 
Meter” has been completely depleted. When Caruso’s “shield” has 
been completely depleted he will no longer be able to block 
incoming attacks until his “Shield” has recharged at least one 
segment of it’s meter. (To recharge the shield the player will 
need to release the ‘LT’ button.) 
NOTE!! When the “Shield Meter” is completely Depleted, it will 
take a few moments to begin recharging after ‘LT’ has been 
released. If ‘LT’ is released before the “Shield Meter” is 
completely depleted the “Shield Meter” will begin to recharge 

“Rift Blocking” 
NOTE!! (A “Rift Block” is a counter move performed by tapping 
‘LT’ while holding down ’RT’ within the “Beat window” that an 
enemy attacks.) 
If an enemy attacks when the player is holding down ‘RT’ to activate 
“Rift Mode”, it will project it’s attack to allow the player to “Counter” 
the attack by the tapping the “Block” button ‘LT’ within the “Beat 
Window” of the enemies attack. 
Successfully performing a “Rift Block” stuns the enemy for a brief 
period leaving them vulnerable to further attacks.  
Rift Blocking also damages enemies. The higher “Rift Combo Level” 
Caruso is on, the more damage a “Rift Block” will inflict on an 
Continuing to hold ‘LT’ after successfully performing a “Rift Block” 
will initiate a “Basic Block” and drain the “Shield Meter” 

Blocking outside of a beat window while holding ‘RT’ will perform a 
“Basic Block” providing the same amount of protection as blocking 
while not in “Rift Mode” but without the bonuses of inflicting damage 
onto, or stunning the enemy.  
NOTE!! The Higher “Rift Combo Level” Caruso is on the Longer 
he will be able to perform a “Basic Block” before his “Shield” 
completely depletes and the less time it will take to fully 

Enemy Attack Patterns (in and out of “Rift Mode”) 
All enemies will attack in beat with the music, and when “Rift Mode” 
is active the player will be able to see the enemy project an attack 
before they initiate it, allowing the player to “Rift Block” while 
maintaining their rhythm combo when in “Rift Mode”

Enemy attacks will differ in frequency depending on the enemy type
Some enemies will attack at a high frequency but deal light damage 
whereby other enemies will attack at a low frequency but deal heavy 
damage. There will also be several variations in between. The 
Various enemies Caruso will encounter will have different attack 
frequencies and strengths specific to their (Enemy Type) 

When “Rift Mode” is not active the player will not be able to see the 
enemy project their attacks, making it more difficult to Counter Block 
or evade enemy attacks.  

Health. (Regeneration and Healing) 
NOTE!! (Caruso’s health will be displayed by a “Health Meter” 
that will be split into 4 segments that will run from 0 to 4, 
much like the “Rift Combo Meter” and “Special Attack Meter”) 

Caruso’s “Health” will gradually regenerate when he incurs 
damage. Initially At a rate of 1/8th of a “Segment” of the “Health 
Meter” per “Beat” of the music. 

Various “Vitality Boost Modifiers” as well as “Modifiers” with other 
properties can be obtained throughout the course of the game, that 
can then be assigned to the “Modifier Slot” on “Attack”, 
“Defense” and “Special Attack” in the “Character Status” screen.  

NOTE!!(Only one “Modifier” can be added to one “Modifier Slot” 
at a time)  

“Vitality Boost Modifiers” can have various effects range from 
boosting the gradual speed at which Caruso’s “Health” will 
regenerate. To actively raising Caruso’s “Health” every time a 
“Basic Attack” and or a “Rift Attack” or another specific maneuver 
is successfully performed. 

Still to be Discussed and included. 
Upgrade System (Leveling Up), Specific Enemy Attacks (Damage 
on Caruso), Caruso’s Various Attacks (Damage effects on each 
specific enemy), Various “Special Attack” Types and Various 
“Modifier” types.  

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